Water reservoire tank equipped with REXprotect
In order to take appropriate precautions for natural disasters or nuclear contamination of nature, it is also important to have enough drinking water available for a family of 4. With a required amount of 1,000 litres of drinking water per year for a family of 4 and an absolute lower limit of approx. 300 ml of water per day per person, the family should have the following supplies:
– Annual water requirement for a family of 4: 1,000 litres
– Daily water requirement per person (at 300 ml Bottom Line): 300 ml * 365 days = 109.5 liters per person per year
Therefore, it is advisable to have everything ready for such an incident and to stock up on 1,000 liters of drinking water in order to be prepared for an emergency, especially in rural areas where the chances of survival are potentially higher. It is advisable to take precautionary measures to have sufficient drinking water available in the event of a disaster.
To protect the drinking water from radiation, we have equipped a 1,000 litre drinking water tank with REXprotect textile on the outside. This protects the water from radiation as far as possible. The drinking water can be stored in the container for years if certain rules are observed during filling.
(see description)