REXbag (Escape backpack)
Der REXbag The Rexbag was designed as an escape backpack specifically for nuclear catastrophes. It is designed in such a way that a family within the survival radius/zones can be adequately protected. In the shop you can find the REXbag available for 4 people, 2 people or 1 person. In an emergency, the REXbagcarries everything necessary for the whole family for about 10 days in the crucial phase of survival.
Table of Contents for REXbag IV:
(for 4 people)
- 1 PCS duffel bag (sustainability concept - used, washed and repaired)
- 4 pcs hydration pack
- 4 pcs hip bag (for goggles, earplugs, gloves, food)
- 4 PCS safety goggles
- 12 pcs FFP3 Mask
- 12 pcs earplugs
- 1 piece of particle protection suit (self-manufactured, without certification)
- 1 PCS particle protection tent (self-made, without certification)
- 12 pairs of disposable gloves
- 4 pcs Emergency Food
- 1 roll of textile tape