At what point becomes radiation dangerous?
First, let's look at what radioactivity means. Radioactivity is produced when atomic nuclei decay and emit radiation in the process. In short, atomic nuclei emit energy or particles to become more stable. Normally, we are exposed to a certain amount of radiation, but problems arise when this amount becomes too high.
There are different types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation, each of which is differently dangerous and has a variety of ranges.
Alpha and beta radiation are particles that fly through the air, in contrast to electromagnetic gamma radiation. Alpha radiation, for example, emits alpha particles at high speed.
Gamma radiation is a high-energy electromagnetic radiation that loses power as it travels through the air. To protect yourself from this radiation, it is important to keep your distance. In addition to the distance, protective measures are also crucial. For example, alpha radiation can already be shielded with a sheet of paper.
With beta and gamma radiation, things get more complicated. Beta radiation can penetrate the upper layers of the skin and cause burns or skin cancer if the radiation is strong enough. Depending on its strength, however, it can be shielded by just a few millimeters of aluminum.
Thick lead plates are effective against gamma radiation, but intensive research is being carried out into new methods of protection.
Innovative radiation protection textile
Our advanced radiation protection textile has been developed incorporating our medical technology expertise and 30 years of experience in surface coating.
REXprotect – Particularly noteworthy is the technological innovation of our radiation protection textile, which consists of several layers and thus offers outstanding protection.
We are always looking for investors who can recognize the potential of this product and establish it in the right market.